
Official company’s name: Vocalgebra, s.r.o.

Legal business structure: Limited liability company

Business identification number: 14220067

Address: Korunní 2569/108, Vinohrady, 101 00 Praha, Czech Republic

Foundation date: February 3, 2022 

Brief description: Company provides digital tools and services for voice analysis, enhancement, and treatment.

Contact e-mail: info@vocalgebra.com

Company’s representatives

Ing. Jan Hlavnička, Ph.D.

Jan Hlavnička is Researcher in the Signal Analysis, Modelling, and Interpretation Group at the Department of Circuit Theory. His research interest is development of vocal biomarkers, signal processing methods and statistical and machine-learning models for assessment of human voice.

e-mail: jan.hlavnicka@vocalgebra.com

Doc. Ing. Jan Rusz, Ph.D.

Jan Rusz is Associate Professor in the Signal Analysis, Modelling, and Interpretation Group at the Department of Circuit Theory. Since 2008, he is also research fellow in First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. His research interests include Speech and Neuroscience with a background of signal processing, modelling, control and computational engineering, statistics, & physiology.

e-mail: jan.rusz@vocalgebra.com